What Was I Thinking? Reflections on Everyday Racism
Order for $8.95 from Crandall, Dostie and Douglass Books www.cddbooks.com, publisher of books on white privilege and anti-raicsm.
Table of Contents
1) On Taking and Teaching White People Challenging Racism: How I moved from skepticism toward understanding the reality of white privilege
2) Growing Up Oblivious – Inventory of a White Life: For the first time I examined my life from the perspective of being white
3) “Aha” Moments Those times in which we see clearly our racist thoughts or actions
4) Words Matter: Is sensitivity toward words just a matter of political correctness?
5) Did You Hear the One About The…? Can racist jokes can be both racist AND funny, or not?
6) Nosy Questions: What we consider inquisitiveness, others may see as downright rude and racist.
7) Truth in a Stack of Letters: Exploring the origins of anti-Semitism discovered by reading my college-age letter home.
8) The Joy of Stereotyping: Admitting how pleasant labeling “other” people can be and letting go that pleasure.
9) Reading to Understand and as a Spur to Anti-Racist Action: The books I turn to for understanding; how these vary over time.
10) On Being an Ally: Why I, a privileged white, heterosexual, currently-abled person, have chosen to be an ally.